It is the nature of political ideas to want to be shared and to spread and I find it very normal that many people spend so much energy on just talking about political things. Today, this is considered boring, bad, waste of time and energy and perhaps dangerous. I have to admit that I find this attitude very unnatural (at the least). There was a time when people saw politics as a part of social enlightenment, of freeing themselves from the rule of tyranny. Then it was necessary and today it seems as if it is no more necessary, as if we are at the peak of our social organization and we do not need further progress.
Of course, there are reasons for this. One big reason is that politics became the area of our “chosen” politicians and these politicians are well known to be corrupt, good-for-nothing people. Nobody wants to be seen as a politician (unless he is one). Having political ideas is like putting your hand in the shit pile. And it is boring, it is just talking, etc. Of course these are the mainstream feelings about politics. There are people and groups who try and do raise awareness that we must be politically aware unless we want to be herded like sheep.
Another reason is fear. The history is full of examples of the sufferings of political activists. Even the great revolutionary Che Guevara is idolized in a way to remind him being hunted down by CIA in the jungles of Bolivia. It is up to us to remember those who were dealing with politics (not necessarily turning into politicians) and succeeded in changing things for the better. Today, most people believe in democracy and like to think that it will “one day” stop the oppression of the opposition but we know that this is not the case. Communists are not hunted down anymore, but so called “terrorists” are and it is as easy as being a communist to be a terrorist in the eyes of our “democratically elected” establishments. As is the case with “terrorists” today, each generation of totalitarian rulers find a way to scare people away from playing an active part in running their lives.

Another way of stopping people from being active is to keep them busy with and worrying about other things. Poverty has been a great tool to pacify people and keep them thinking about how they are going to feed themselves (as if their hunger is not a political issue). But since this has backfired in many occasions, today it is more common to “drug” people. This is done by mass media, competitive sports, modern life style, sex or actual drugs. We are taught to think so individually that we don’t care if they are killing people next door (unaware that there will be nobody to help us when someone comes to do the same to us). Time became fast, or rather, our time got filled with all the things we are made to need. We have to network with many people on the internet, or on the phone yet never actually get together with them to do something useful, because we don’t have much time. We have to keep working to pay the credit card interests which started with buying that “so indispensable” gadget. We have more important things to worry about. We obviously cannot waste time with politics, it is the duty of those who have all their time and get paid to do politics.
One valid argument against dealing with politics is that if we need to change the world we have to start with ourselves. I agree with this completely. A person who doesn’t have inner peace can do very little for world peace. But I don’t think this argument means that we cannot do anything to change the world until we attain Buddhahood. Change starts within but it doesn’t end there. If there is progress within it effects things without. And a part of helping out with the spiritual progress of others is to help them physically, and this includes putting things right through politics.
The word “politics” seem to suggest that sphere where some fat people in suits and briefcases run a country from the capital. But this is nothing but empowering them, giving them all control over our lives. Politics, as I will refer to it from here on, includes all human interactions in any scale. There is politics in groups of friends or in the family. We use terms like “don’t make politics” to mean “don’t be cunning” or “don’t complicate the situation” only because that professional area of running countries has become very cunning and experts in demagogy. It doesn’t mean that simple politics cannot be utilized to have peace in our surroundings, to resolve conflicts, to understand and address our problems. In fact, that’s what politics are for.
Perhaps I could try to find another word to refer to what I’m intending to do but I want to be understood, I want to share things that need to be known or discussed. So until another concept comes into common daily use for all sort of human exchange in any scale, I’ll stick to the word politics.
What I wish to share is still pretty random. I’ll do my best to stick to the facts, to truth. Truth is becoming very rare these days and I want to play my part in helping it survive. This includes sharing some rare information, some non-mainstream news, and some conspiracies (proven or theoretical). It may include things as varied as the water you drink to war and peace, from some “far out” theories to some health facts. It may include aliens.
I hope this becomes an inspiration for YOU to share what little truth comes your way, without fear and with a clear wish for peace and happiness for all.
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