With the end of cold war the military/monetary complex started to loose power and they have been searching for a new war for over a decade. Some of them called it War Without End, as a part of the New World Order. The only thing missing was a “catalyzing event, a new Pearl Harbor,” a strong new enemy that could not be easily beaten. 9/11 supplied this. Terrorists were created all over the world and so there was good reason to make war where ever there were “terrorists”.

After many decades it has been made public that the reason for USA going to war in Vietnam (Gulf of Tonkin incident) was fabricated and the events that carried USA into both world wars (Lucitania and Pearl Harbor) are still cloudy issues. Yet there are people who ask the question whether a government (US government in this case) can kill thousands of their own people to create a reason for war. But that is exactly what’s been happening. We know that the Nazis burnt their own parliament Reichstag and successfully put the blame on the opposition; history repeats in 9/11. Right after the attacks US government passed neo-fascistic laws such as the Homeland Security Bill and Rendition (which is carrying supposed terrorists to other countries to be tortured). They opened the Guantanamo Bay Detention Facility where they keep people without any legal rights. Since then the culture of fear has been on a rapid rise. After 9/11, USA invaded two countries and caused the death of millions of civilians. The weapons manufacturers have been selling more weapons than they did during the cold war years. Anywhere on earth you are more likely to be seen as a terrorist then ever before.
So what would happen if one day the people of USA also recognize 9/11 attacks as the inside job they were? What would be the consequences? David Ray Griffin from the 9/11 Truth Movement made a speech Sept 14, 2006 in Copenhagen asking for European help in revealing the truth. “[Our political, military leaders and the mass media argue that] exposing the truth about 9/11 might lead to a crisis of confidence that would lead to consequences which are worse than letting the perpetrators of 9/11 get away with it... A crisis of confidence for the institutions of the world’s most powerful nation could lead to a global meltdown...[Although this may well be true,] there is only one thing that would be worse: continuing to have the truth about 9/11 concealed.” He goes on to explain how the world is facing an environmental crisis while we are made to keep our focus entirely on human to human interactions. “Apart from the revelation of truth about 9/11, there is little chance that the present trajectory of US policy with its threat to the survival of civilization itself will change.” He argues “The US government has been The major impediment to a solution to both of these problems. Since 9/11 the US government has become even more dangerous, ridiculing global warming, while practicing an extreme version of double standard in relation to nuclear technology, allowing all our friends to have nuclear weapons while denying to enemies even the right to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, while at the same time strengthening our own nuclear arsenal and even planning to put nuclear weapons in space.” (You can find the video of this speech here.)
Today this issue of 9/11 is being emotionalized just like the holocaust and zionism. Once you open your mouth to say anything against the official scenario, there appear some people who say you are a supporter of terrorists, anti-American, a conspiracy theorist and a nutcase. This is a common technique to suppress the opposition and it has been successfully used in the past. The more we cave in to this attitude and help the truth remain hidden, we are bound to face further nightmarish events.
It is time to speak out. Please help spread the word. Let truth set us free.
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