Please keep in mind that if there is a conspiracy, if there is a group of people working in the making of these events, they planned them as pieces of one big scenario. So, if we can prove that one of the four plane crashes, 3 buildings being hit and 3 WTC buildings completely collapsing are a part of a conspiracy, we can say that the other events were part of the same plan. (WTC Building 7 is the clearest nonsense of the official scenario.) [This argument is taken from the film 911 In Plane Site.]
There are hundreds of websites and great many films giving solid scientific proof that the official theory is just a scam. You can do the search yourself by googling the words “9/11 truth”. Here I want to summarize some points from the 9/11 Research website.
Accepting the official story of the 9/11/01 attack requires one to accept a long series of anomalies -- extremely improbable events, amazing coincidences, and contradictions. Here are some:
[Before the attacks:]
- United Airlines and American Airlines stocks rose to four and 25 times normal levels in the days preceding the attack.
- The alleged hijackers partied at topless bars and drank alcohol, despite being portrayed as fundamentalist Muslims, for whom such behavior would be surprising, to say the least. [They even left a Qoran in one of the bars!]
- No video of any of the 19 hijackers at any of the three originating airports of the four flights has been made public, except for a video allegedly showing hijackers of Flight 77.
- The originating airport for Flights 11 and 175 was Boston Logan instead of any of several airports near New York City. This created about 40 minutes of exposure to interception for each flight.
- At least six of the alleged hijackers have turned up alive since the attack.
[The Attacks:]
- None of the four flight crews radioed Air Traffic Control about hijackings in progress. None of them punched in the four-digit hijacking code. And none of them were able to stop the alleged hijackers, in spite of several of the pilots being Vietnam veterans.
- No public evidence indicates that the remains of any of the hijackers was identified at any of the crash sites. [But a passport of one hijacker was found intact and unburnt among the pulverized debris of the towers.]
- None of the contents of any of the black boxes have been made public.
- None of the alleged hijackers were good pilots, yet the three buildings were hit with phenomenal precision.
- The FAA took 18 minutes to report Flight 11's loss of communication and deviation from its flight plan and 39 minutes to report Flight 77's deviation from its flight plan.
- Despite NORAD's having received formal notification of the first hijacking at 8:38, no interceptors were scrambled from Andrews to protect the nearby Pentagon until after it was hit at 9:37
- The two F-15s scrambled from Otis AFB to chase Flight 11 flew at an average of 447 mph, about 23.8% of their top speed of 1875 mph. The two F-16s scrambled from Langley to protect the capital flew at an average of 410.5 mph, about 27.4% of their top speed of 1500 mph.
- The two F-15s scrambled from Otis AFB to protect Manhattan could have reached the capital in 9.6 minutes once they arrived over New York City. That was still 34 minutes before the Pentagon was hit.
[Twin Towers:]
- The South Tower was struck 17 minutes after the North Tower, and in a less damaging manner, and it had less severe fires, yet it collapsed 29 minutes before the North Tower. It's core structure was largely undamaged by the off-centered jet impact, unlike the North Tower, yet it collapsed sooner.
- Firefighters reached the crash zone of the South Tower and calmly described controllable fires.
- Both towers fell straight down, through themselves, following the path of maximum resistance, a behavior never before observed in spontaneous collapses of any type of vertical structure. [And North Tower collapsed even faster than free fall, in 8.1 seconds instead of 9.2 seconds if there were no resistance at all!]
- The collapses of both towers exhibited features never otherwise seen except in controlled demolitions: sudden onset accompanied by thunderous bangs, visible explosions ringing their perimeters, energetic ejections of dust at regular intervals, and copious production of dust.
[Building Number 7 (the third shorter building which collapsed in the afternoon) :]
- Building 7 experienced total collapse, allegedly because of fires, when no steel-frame building before or since has ever collapsed, totally or even partially, due to fires. Building 7 was an over-engineered 47-story steel-frame skyscraper, standing over 350 feet from the nearest of the Twin Towers. Public evidence documents only small fires in it on September 11th.
- Building 7 collapsed into a remarkably small rubble pile of mostly pulverized remains, when no steel building falling for any reason has ever pulverized itself. [No fires were reported in this building until 5 hours after the other towers collapsed and fall of the building shows all signs of a controlled demolition.]
- Building 7 contained a 15-million-dollar emergency command center, but instead of using it for its ostensible purpose, then-Mayor Giuliani evacuated his team to a makeshift command center as soon as the September 11th attack started. This emergency command center was destroyed along with the rest of the building, even though it was constructed as a bomb-hardened shelter.
- The remains of Building 7 were rapidly removed and the steel recycled, evidently without any on-site and only extremely limited off-site examination. The rapid disposal operation proceeded despite the fact that no one was believed buried in the rubble, and the tidy rubble pile was not blocking adjacent roads.
- The 9:37 strike of Pentagon was well over an hour after the first signs of a hijacking and 34 minutes after the South Tower strike confirmed that an attack was underway.
- The Pentagon is within 11 miles of Andrews Air Force Base, which apparently had two combat-ready fighter wings on 9/11/01 and the attack plane was monitored on radar as it approached the capital.
- The spiral dive approach to the Pentagon was such an extreme maneuver that experienced air traffic controllers thought it was a military jet. The tree-top final approach skimmed objects in the yard and crashed the plane into the first floor of the building. Experienced pilots have wondered if any human pilot could have executed the maneuver. Yet Hani Hanjour, the supposed hijacker pilot of that flight was considered incompetent by his flight school instructors, and was denied rental of a single-engine plane.
- Video recordings from adjacent businesses were seized by the FBI shortly after the attack and have never been seen since. The only two video segments (two squares) that have been released by the Pentagon from all the security cameras that monitor its periphery fail to clearly shows the attack aircraft.
- Eyewitnesses reported the smell of cordite which is an explosive used in controlled demolitions.
[Death Toll:]
- The death toll of the attack, though horrific, was much lower than it would have been if not for numerous aspects of target selection and timing.
- Flights 11, 175, 77, and 93 were only at 51%, 31%, 20%, and 16% occupancy, respectively.
- The towers were attacked before most people had arrived, and were hit high enough to allow most people to escape.
- In Pentagon, 125 people were killed in a building with 20,000 people and no high-level Pentagon officials were killed in the attack.
[The Official report:]
- FEMA was given the sole authority to investigate the collapses even though it is not an investigative agency. The investigative team assembled by FEMA consisted of unpaid volunteers. The investigators were not allowed access to Ground Zero neither they were provided with the blueprints of the buildings.
- FEMA's report states the causes of the collapse "remain unknown at this time". (By the time the report was released the steel had been entirely disposed of.) The fact that Building 7 (supposedly) failed in a way that contradicts 100 years of engineering experience makes it the largest and least understood structural failure in history.
- The 9/11 Commission Report failed to even mention the existence of Building 7 and the core structures of Twin Towers.
I also strongly recommend the films 9/11 Coincidences (downloadable in 10 parts here on YouTube) and 911 In Plane Site . You can see 47 different films made on 9/11 deception here. 9/11 Truth Movement has this good website with recent updates. The Great Illusion is a great little booklet that summarizes the whole plot.
I have to end this with a story of our great Sufi Nasruddin Hodja:
Nasruddin Hodja one day went into a garden, pulled up some carrots and turnips and other kinds of vegetables, which he found, putting some into a sack and some into his bosom; suddenly the gardener coming up, laid hold of him, and said, 'What are you seeking here?' The Hodja, being in great consternation, not finding any other reply, answered, 'For some days past a great wind has been blowing, and that wind blew me hither.' 'But who pulled up these vegetables?' said the gardener. 'As the wind blew very violently,' replied the Hodja, 'it cast me here and there, and whatever I laid hold of in the hope of saving myself remained in my hands.' 'Ah,' said the gardener, 'but who filled the sack with them?' 'Well,' said the Hodja, 'that is the very question I was about to ask myself when you came up.'
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